Mascara adds definition and volume to lashes for a captivating look. When mascara clumps or dries out before its expiration date, it leads to waste and frequent replacements. Now the question is, how do you make your mascara last longer?

Storing your mascara properly and handling it carefully is key to its longevity. Keeping it in a cool, dry place and being gentle when applying it can make a significant difference. Also, adding a drop of saline solution or a lash primer can revive and moisturize your mascara, giving it extra staying power.

When purchasing mascara, it's essential to consider your usage habits. If you don't use mascara often, a mini size can prevent wastage and save you money. Alternatively, choosing a waterproof formula may be wise if you're prone to tears or wear makeup during sweaty activities.

This guide will give you practical advice and insider knowledge to help your mascara stay put. So, grab a pen and paper and let's get started.

Ways on How to Make Mascara Last Longer

It's good to know there are several ways to ensure your mascara stays in good condition. Here are 3 strategies for making mascara last longer:

  • No 01: Proper Storage and Handling
  • No 02: Reviving and Moisturizing Techniques
  • No 03: Smart Purchasing and Usage Habits

No 01: Proper Storage and Handling

Closing the Tube Tightly:

Always close the mascara tube tightly after each use, preserving its consistency and extending its lifespan. When air enters the tube, it can dry out the product, causing it to become clumpy or flaky.

Avoid Pumping the Wand:

Gently twisting the mascara wand inside the tube like a corkscrew will help preserve its formula and prevent air exposure. This will ultimately prolong the life of your mascara. Pumping the wand can introduce air bubbles which will damage the mascara.

Scrape the Brush Against the Container:

When your mascara is running low, try scraping the brush against the inner wall of the container to get more product without compromising its quality. This will help you maximize its use and avoid premature drying.

No 02: Reviving and Moisturizing Techniques

Using Saline Solution or Eyedrops:

To make your mascara last longer, add a few drops of saline solution or eyedrops for a smoother application. This technique helps to revive and moisturize dry or clumpy mascara by adding moisture to the formula.

Start with a small amount of solution and mix it in by gently wiggling the wand. Check the consistency and add more drops until you achieve the desired texture.

Hot Water Method:

Revive your dried-out mascara easily by using the hot water method. Simply place the closed tube in a cup of hot water (not fully submerged) for about 5 minutes. The heat will help soften the consistency of your mascara, making it more fluid and easier to use.

Afterward, gently shake the tube and test the mascara on your hand to ensure it's back to its desired state. This simple trick can help you make your mascara last longer, saving you from buying new tubes every time they dry out.

It's also an effective way to get more use out of your favorite mascaras stashed in your makeup bag for a while.

Coconut Oil as a Thinner:

Using coconut oil as a thinner is essential for those who want to get the most out of their favorite mascara. If your mascara has dried out or become thick, adding just a tiny amount of coconut oil can restore it to its original consistency.

Simply heat up a small quantity of the oil until it liquefies, then add a few drops to the tube and swirl it around until all clumps are dissolved. But be careful not to add too much coconut oil, which may alter the formula and affect the mascara's performance.

No 03: Smart Purchasing and Usage Habits

Check the Manufacturing Date:

To ensure your mascara lasts longer, check the manufacturing date before purchasing. Buying a product less than a year old will ensure you start with a fresh mascara.

Avoid Old or Expired Mascara:

You don't want to risk eye irritation or infection by using old or expired mascara. So always be mindful of the shelf life of your beauty products.

Mascara can become dry and clumpy over time, making it difficult to apply evenly and potentially harmful to your eyes. It's recommended that you replace your mascara every 3 months. But if it starts to smell strange or develop a different texture before then, discard it immediately.

Consider Waterproof or Long-Wearing Formulas:

One way to achieve long-lasting mascara is to use waterproof or long-wearing formulas. These formulations are specifically designed to resist smudging, running, and flaking, ensuring that your mascara stays intact for an extended period.

Also, you won't have to worry about your makeup transferring all over your face afterward since they provide a lasting effect. Even so, remember to remember that waterproof mascaras are more challenging to remove.

How long does mascara last once applied?

Regular mascaras can last on your eyelashes for four to six hours without smudging. But you should note that sweatproof and waterproof mascaras should stay on much longer, lasting from 12 to 18 hours once applied.

The longevity of mascara depends on different factors such as the formulation, application technique, and environmental conditions.

Also, choosing a high-quality formula that suits your needs and preferences can significantly affect how long it lasts. When applying mascara, remember that humidity or sweat can affect its durability.

Get Healthy, Bold Lashes with Proper Mascara Care

Taking care of your mascara properly ensures your lashes remain healthy and strong. To do this, avoid sharing your mascara wand with others, as it can spread germs and lead to eye infection and irritation.

Remember to invest in high-quality mascara formulas that do not clump or flake while applying them with precision and care. Pay attention to the expiry date of your mascara, and if you notice any changes in smell or texture, it's better to discard it and get a new one.

Also, make it a point to clean your mascara wand regularly, as it prevents bacteria buildup and ensures smooth applications. You must also remove all of your makeup before going to bed.

These simple yet effective tips will make your lashes look fuller, longer, and bolder.